The Happy Situation
The Happy Situation was a small mural made as part of the MakerLabs Summer Social. Makers were challenged to create a mural at the outdoor event and were encouraged to work in a medium of their choice - with an emphasis on using materials that already existed in the MakerLabs space. Challenge accepted!
Photo by Liza Heider Photography
I sourced a bunch of scrap wood, foam and fabrics and got to work. Using my iPad I sketched out some lumpy organic shapes which I then transferred to my computer and converted to vectors. I used the vector files and the CNC router at MakerLabs to cut out my lumpy shapes from the different pieces of scrap wood.
After I had all my lumps ready, I cut foam pieces to fit and covered them with an assortment of fun fabrics. I got to do this part live at the Summer Social outdoors and in the sun - it was wonderful!
This piece was called the ‘Happy Situation’ as many people commented on how the colours and textures made them feel so happy as they walked past. It has given me a lot of inspiration and ideas for creating further 3D wall art pieces. There is so much potential for these upholstered lumps!
Photos by Liza Heider Photography
You can watch a cute video of the final assembly below!
I hope this piece makes you feel happy. Embrace the lumps.